Remove Background Automatically and Free

Erase image backgrounds and replace it with a transparent, solid color or another image.

Drop file here or click to upload an image.
The format should be JPG, PNG or WebP.
Maximum image size: 10Mb
Maximum image resolution: 4.2 megapixels

If your photo has a bad or ruined background that you need to get rid of, but you don't know how to work with Photoshop or Gimp, and even Picasa is too much for you. What to do? Use PhotoScissors! This online photo editing tool removes the background of an image in the blink of an eye.

How to Remove Photo Backgrounds Online:

  1. Select the local image you want to remove backgrond from and upload it to PhotoScissors.
  2. Our tool automatically removes the background from your image. ✨ You can then choose a new background color or image. Although white and transparent backgrounds are some of the most commonly used options, feel free to choose any color that suits your preferences.
  3. When you're done, click the Download button and save the result as a PNG file. That was easy, wasn't it?

image with transparent background

Experience the ultimate speed of our background eraser tool! With our background remover app, effortlessly enhance your photos. Highlight your subject and create a transparent background, allowing you to easily integrate it into a variety of new designs and environments. Try it now and take your subject to a completely different environment!

Change photo background color or replace it with an image of your choice. Customize your pictures and add text seamlessly - it's never been simpler! Explore our extensive library of backgrounds for inspiration if you're looking to elevate your creations.

Customer Feedback:

I am very impressed with this simple and powerfull background remover. Works as advertised.

John B.