Blur Backgrounds and Enhance Depth in Photos

Achieve Artistic Effects After the Shot.

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The format should be JPG, PNG or WebP.
Maximum image size: 10Mb
Maximum image resolution: 4.2 megapixels

Discover the secrets to blurring the background and enhancing depth of field in your photos, even after they've been taken. Increasing the depth of field is a powerful artistic technique employed by photographers to highlight the main subject while creating a beautiful blurred background effect. But what if you've already captured the photo or your camera's capabilities fall short of achieving the desired blur effect?

Luckily, there is a solution available to you. Through retouching techniques, you can still enhance the depth of field in your photos. A convenient option is to utilize PhotoScissors, which offers a straightforward approach to achieving this effect. While advanced tools like Photoshop may require extensive expertise for satisfactory results, PhotoScissors empowers you to blur the photo background and increase depth of field with just a few simple clicks. Follow this step-by-step guide to accomplish this effortlessly.

Step 1: Upload the photo

Use the "Upload" button to load your photograph into PhotoScissors. The software will automatically remove the background and display the main object.

Open the photo

You can make corrections to the result, and the program will apply changes instantly.

Step 2: Blur the background

To create a less focused background, apply the Blur effect. Navigate to the "Background" tab on the left-side toolbar. Upload the same image as the background by clicking the upload button and selecting the identical image.

Select Background:Original

Enable the Blur effect in the background options and specify the desired Blur Radius.

Blur image background

Marvelous! Your photo now exudes a significantly more artistic and professional appearance, even if it was captured using a smartphone camera.

In addition, PhotoScissors grants you the power to replace or entirely remove the background, allowing you to obtain a picture with a transparent background whenever needed.

Unleash your creativity and transform your photos with PhotoScissors. Achieve stunning depth and beautifully blurred backgrounds effortlessly. Start using PhotoScissors today to elevate the artistic quality of your images.